How to configure Stripe/Stripe Connect on your platform?

  1. Create a Stripe account here , then:

Note: Live and test keys and IDs are not displayed on the screen at the same time. There is a switch on the page to display either test or live data.

  1. Configure the redirection url for Stripe Connect

How to activate your Stripe account to use the platform?

You need to activate your Stripe account to start using the platform in “live”. Click on “Activate your account” on the left and enter the required informations. (video:

How to see the money earned through the platform?

The funds earned by the platform (the delivery cooperative) are calculated as a commission on the merchant’s payment. Go to this URL

How to receive this money on your account?

Payments from your Stripe account to your bank account will be made regularly (“payouts”). You can access the list of payouts here : You can also request on this page an immediate transfer to your account.

This process has two steps: Create the restaurant on the CoopCycle platform Create the linked Stripe account

Before: You need to have configured correctly the Stripe account linked to the platform

After this two steps have been achieved : Create an user account in the “User” section On the created user page, assign him/her the restaurant so he can access its backoffice

Necessary informations : Name & first name of the restaurant owner Legal name of the restaurant Phone number of the restaurant Restaurants address Restaurants IBAN Contractual informations What delivery price for the restaurant owner? What delivery price for the customer? Who is paying Stripe fees? Proof of identity of the restaurant

Additional informations : Delivery hours

2- Creating the Stripe account linked to the restaurant

From your Stripe dashboard, , create a new account by clicking on the top left corner on “New account”. Indicate the restaurants name.


From the restaurant page on the platform, in the “Stripe account” section, click on “Connect with Stripe” button. The process have to be made twice, once for test and once for live payments.


A Stripe page opens. In the “Switch accounts” dropdown select the correct restaurant.


Enter the informations. Attention : in the “Customer phone number” field please indicate your phone number not the restaurant’s one.

Verify your phone number at the following address : . Enter your phone number then copy the code received by SMS (you may have received a mail notification about the phone verification)

Your done ! To check that everything’s in order : In the Stripe dashboard select the main account (the one linked to the platform) on the top left corner Clicked on “Connect” then on “Accounts” on the left column In the “Recently connected accounts” list click on the first item (= the last account added) Verify that “Payments” and “Payouts” are well and green - in case of issue please contact