Creating webhooks

If you want to receive notifications about events happening on CoopCycle, you can register webhooks.

POST /api/webhooks
    "event": "delivery.completed",
    "url": ""

The response will contain a secret property. Save it on your system, you will need it later.

    "@context": "/api/contexts/Webhook",
    "@id": "/api/webhooks/1",
    "@type": "Webhook",
    "url": "",
    "event": "delivery.completed",
    "secret": "4mCOyJ7UAa371oUjYcC2R9BZRx5eQT08qTzLAnh4e8M="

Receiving webhooks

Now, whenever an event you are subscribed to is triggered in our system, your endpoint will receive a POST request.

    "data": {
        "object": "/api/deliveries/1",
        "event": "delivery.completed"

Verifying webhooks signature

When receiving webhooks, it is important to make sure they are originating from our system.

To achieve this, each webhook HTTP request contains a X-CoopCycle-Signature, which is a SHA256 HMAC of the request body, signed with the secret.

Here is an example PHP function to verify the signature.

function verify_signature($payload, $signature, $secret)
    $hex_hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $secret);

    return $signature === base64_encode(hex2bin($hex_hash));