Product settings

These are all the settings that can be configured:

Active menu
Statistics COMING SOON
Promotions COMING SOON
Preparation COMING SOON

Go to the main settings of a Restaurant. At the right-hand side of its name you will see the settings from above laid out vertically.


Using the Add button


Type here the name of the product. E.g.: Vegan Chicken Bowl


Type here the description of the product, especially listing the ingredients and the type of dish.
TIP: It’s recommended to not write in the Description the allergens or restricted diets of the product, there are dedicated sections for those options.


By ticking the checkbox ☑️ the product will be visible and available for purchase.
By unticking the checkbox ⬜️ the product will still be visible yet it will be greyed out and unavailable for purchase.
TIP: In order to remove a product completely from being visible on the Restaurant homepage, please see these docs (COMING SOON).

Price (tax excl.)

Type here the price of the product excluding the tax.
E.g.: £8

Price (tax incl.)

Type here the price of the product including the tax. E.g.: £10 (tax for this product is 20%)

TIP: Both Price fields will be filled in automatically disregarding what field you fill in first. Once you select the tax category from the Tax dropdown option, the Price (tax excl.) field will be automatically calculated from the number in the Price (tax incl.) field.

Below are a few exmaples of how this works.

Selected Tax is 20%

Price (tax excl.) Price (tax incl.) Taxes
2 2.4 Tax 20%

Selected Tax is 0% or tax exempt

Price (tax excl.) Price (tax incl.) Taxes
2 2 Tax 0%

Both price fields with the same value but without having selected a Tax category

Price (tax excl.) Price (tax incl.) Taxes
2 2 Select a tax category

After having selected a Tax category, the Price (tax excl.) field will change accordingly.

Price (tax excl.) Price (tax incl.) Taxes
1.67 2 Tax 20%


Here you can select the tax category corresponding to each product. These tax categories are configured according to your country.

INFO: If the tax categories are different or change for your country please contact the developer here.


Here you will see the Options or Extras that you can append to each product. Before being able to select options for each product you need to create new Options. To learn how to do that go here.

Under Options you should see the newly created Option called Sauces. By checking ☑️ the box next to the name it will make it visible to Customers. When a Customer clicks on the product which has an Option appended to it, this option will be displayed in a pop-up where the Customer can choose between the different sauces.

TIP: You can create multiple Options, and you can append any combination you want under one Product.

INFO: All Options will show for every Product, so make sure you name the Options such that you know which to select for which Product.


Here you can select multiple allergens to be found in the overall Product (including the Options).
INFO: The selected allergens will show under the description of the product after the exclamation mark symbol .

Restricted diets

Here you can select multiple diets that fit the overall Product (including the Options).
INFO: The selected diets will show under allergens after a checkmark symbol .

Remember to click Save when you finished setting up the product.

After clicking Save you will be taken to the Product page list, assuming this is the first product you created you will only see one product on that page. It is not mandatory to add a photograph of the product. If you need to do so, click on the Edit button.

Adding a photo to a product

On the left-hand side of the Product name and description you will see a camera icon .

  1. Click on the camera icon
  2. There will be two buttons at the top
    1. Gallery Gallery is where you can view or delete the pictures you uploaded. These pictures will be visible to the Customer.
    2. Upload Under Upload you can Drag & Drop one picture at a time or you can click in the blank area and you can select a picture from your device. On the left-hand side you can select the crop proprtions you want to crop the picture in. You can make both 1:1 and 16:9 crops from one picture and Upload them to the Gallery.

      IMPORTANT: Gallery and Upload sections are still Work in Progress, so it’s recommended to not use the 16:9 crop and make sure to upload last the picture you want at the front of each Product on the homepage of the Restaurant.

Using the Import button

By clicking on the Import button you can upload a spreadsheet in the .csv file previously created on your device and you can download an example spreadsheet on how to populate your products .csv file.

INFO: Because tax categories are different with each country, the example spreadsheet is different on the Platform for each country.
IMPORTANT: The content highlighted in black has to stay exactly the same in the .csv file. The same applies for all the other tax wordings.
  • Make sure the price includes the correspoding tax
  • Price is translated this way: 1501.50 and 250025.00

Below you can find an example as well:

Sample spreadsheet: This spreadsheet only shows general examples of tax category. Below this example you will find a table with every the tax wording for each tax category.

name description price_tax_incl tax_category
Pizza Margherita Famous pizza 500 tax_category.base_standard
Croissant French croissant 300 tax_category.base_intermediary
Orange juice Fresh orange 100 tax_category.base_exempt

Tax wording: The table below is only to reference each tax wording, to understand what tax % it corresponds to. If the tax % has been updated in your country, please contact the developer at dev [at] coopcycle [dot] org.

Tax wording Tax type Argentina Belgium Canada BC France Germany Poland Spain UK
tax_category.base_standard Base standard 21% 21% GST 5% + PST 7% 20% 16% 23% 21% 20%
tax_category.base_intermediary Base intermediary 10.5% 12% GST 5% + PST 0% 10% - 8% 10% 5%
tax_category.base_reduced Base reduced 2.5% 6% 0% 5.5% 5% 5% 4% 5%
tax_category.base_exempt Base exempt 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
tax_category.food_takeaway Takeaway food - 6% 0% 10% 16% 8% 10% 0%
tax_category.drink Beverages   - - 5.5% - - 10%  
tax_category.drink_alcohol Alcoholic beverages - 21% GST 5% + PST 10% 20% 16% 23% 21% 20%
tax_category.service Services 21% 21% 5% 20% 16% 23% 21% 20%

After your .csv file is ready, click on Import and Drag & Drop the file onto the pop-up. Your file will upload and when the pop-up closes by itself you will see the list of uploaded products all enabled.

IMPORTANT: After the products have been uploaded you need to set an picture, options/extras, allergens and restricted diets individually for each product.


  1. On the Restaurant navigation menu, next to Products, click on Options.
  2. Click on Add

INFO: Each Option is a collection of multiple types of “foods” or “additions”, called Extras.
On the right-hand side you can live preview how the Options menu will be displayed for customers.


Type here the name of the option. E.g.: Sauces

Price calculation

Here there are two options Free and Each options has a different price. Choosing Free will make all the options be free of charge.
Choosing the latter will allow you to input a price for each separate option. The price field will be visible on the right-hand side of each text field under Values.

This options is additional

When this setting is left unchecked ⬜️ the customer can select only one (1) out of multiple extras.

When this setting is checked ☑️ the customer can choose a specific amount per each extra. Checking this option will display a new setting next to the Preview pane.

Min. number and Max. number

Min. number, if not set to zero (0) doesn’t allow the cutomer to choose less than the number of extras indicated and Max. number doesn’t allow the customer to choose more than the number of extras indicated.

TIP: It’s important that you set up Max. number to prevent customers from typing by mistake a large amount of extras.


Here is where you actually write the types of extras a product can have.
⚪️ ketchup
⚪️ mayonnaise
⚪️ mustard
⚪️ gravy

Click on Add value to add a new field input.

Each extra needs to be ☑️ Enabled on the right-hand side to make it visible in the Preview pane and to Customers.

After you set up an Option make sure to click Save.
The Delete button deletes the Option Sauces and takes you back to the main Option list.

Click here to go back to select the newly created Option for your Products.


  1. Click on Menus.
  2. Click on Add
  3. A pop-up will be displayed. Here you give your menu a name for your own internal use. This is only for you to distinguish menus. This is not displayed to the customer.
  4. Click Save

Active menu

The editor is made up of two sections:

  1. On the left-hand side you can arrange the menu that will be displayed to customers. First of all you need to create a section (also called category) in order to Drag & Drop products. Examples of categories: Main dish, Snacks, Beverages, Alcohol.

  2. On the right-hand side are all the Products you have created.

To add a category click Add and a pop-up will prompt you into writing a name for your category. Click Save.
You can add as many categories as you need.

To place Products inside Categories, Drag & Drop a product from the right on top of a Category on the left. You can also Drag & Drop a Product from a Category back into the Products section on the right. The arrangement of Products and Categories is how it will be displayed to the customer.

Categories can be shifted up and down by holding left-click on the top grey bar of the category name. They can be shifted regardless of containing products or not.

Once you finished setting up the Menu on the left section, click Save changes.

IMPORTANT: The Menu is not yet visible on the Homepage of the Restaurant. In order to display the menu you need to go to the main Menus page and click Activate.

You can create multiple menus but can only activate one menu at a time. Only menus that are idle (not activated) can be deleted with .


Closing from/to

  1. Click on the empty field on the left Start date
  2. Choose the Start of the time-off period by selecting date and the time.
  3. Click Ok
  4. Choose the End of the time-off period by selecting date and the time.
  5. Cick Ok

TIP: If you want to write a Reason/Description of the time-off period do so before clicking Save.


Here you can type a reason/description of the time-off period, e.g.: Holidays.
This is not visible to customers.

Once you’ve selected the time-off period and written a Reason (or not) click Save.

In order to navigate on the calendar, use the buttons on the right-hand side on top of the calendar.

Check the homepage of the Restaurant to see the message displayed to customers.
This restaurant is closed until May 29, 2021. You can still order for later on though!

WARNING: Despite the message stating that customers can order for later, this is only possible when the restaurant selected holidays for 6 days or less. The reason is because Stripe refunds non-captured payments automatically after 7 days of an order being placed.

Remove a time-off period

By clicking on the x on any day of the calendar where the time-off period is set the whole period will be removed.


On the right-hand side you can select the view by month or date.

You can also export in a .csv file the selected view.

Below the statistics graph you can view the orders and refunds of the selected month or date.


Here you will see a list of the orders from the selected month or date. Orders in red are orders that have been refunded.

You can change between Simple view and Detailed view. The first is the default view and the latter displays additional details for orders.


Here you can see specific information on refunded orders. Here is where you can see the party liable for the refund.

For an in-depth understanding on Refunds, go here.